
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just Keep Swimming

(Yes, im a kid on the inside haha)

As simple as the "song" is, it has a very powerful message that most people don't really think about. If you really get down to it you can apply it to everyday life. Instead of giving up "Just keep swimming" :)
I have to be honest and i haven't really been feeling myself recently with everything that has been going on and all the adjustments that i have been having to make such as, recovering from surgery, losing a baby, a REALLY bad break up and moving on from it all.

Its easier said then done and im sure a lot of people say and hear that but its so TRUE! Its been about a month since the break up and ive accepted it an moved on and in all honestly I LOVE being single! I mean its totally subject to change if i meet the right guy but for now im contempt right where I'm at. Since i have been single i have had A LOT of time to focus on myself and what I NEED to do in order to get myself back to where i need to be and im off to a good start.

Tomorrow im HOPING & PRAYING that something good comes out of this job possibility i fount. Its not much but it gets my foot in the door to the career i want to get into so its worth a shot. I have already talked the the manager once and we discussed the hours and days and it fits what im looking for perfectly so she gave me an application to fill out and bring back Friday when she was back in the store. Once i get a job then i can put the rest of my plan in motion and get myself back on the right track! Just another step in the healing process and moving on. Wish me luck everyone because im going to need it!

P.S Who knew you could get such a powerful message on not to give up from a KIDS movie? Crazy Right?


  1. Keep your head up! It sounds like you've got a really positive attitude. Best of luck on your job! I hope you get it.

    Stopping by from BloggyMoms! I am also in Georgia. You might want to check out the Blog Dare 2012. It provides daily inspiration to write!

  2. Who knew?

    Thanks for sharing this. It is the simplest wisdom sometimes right?

    Joined you from BloggyMoms! Great to know fellow Georgians.
